
Blvd. Díaz Ordaz 4508-403
Tijuana, B. C., 22106


Nat Torres

Invoice #
Issued on 07/27/2024
Expires on 04/24/2019
Total Estimated $1,000.00

Servicio 1.0

Desarrollo de sitio web en plataforma wordpress con:
• Blog integrado, contenido fresco
• Interfaz y contenido en español.
• Capacidad para video, audio y fotografía.
• Instalación de google analytics para monitoreo de visitas. 
• Facilidad de actualización por el cliente.
• Visibilidad en los dispositivos móviles.
• Correcta ortografía.
 • Páginas del sitio: Inicio, Nosotros, Servicios o Productos, Blog y Contacto.





Yet to be Approved Estimates

Info & Notes

Thank you; we really appreciate your business.

Terms & Conditions

El tiempo de entrega para este trabajo es de 3 semanas naturales a partir de la entrega del material gráfico, video y/o audio, así como el contenido del mismo. Se requiere el 50% de anticipo y el resto contra entrega. Precios + IVA.

Estimate is Expired

Historial de presupuestos

Actualizado 1950 days ago

Presupuesto actualizado por Gildardo.

Actualizado 1950 days ago

Presupuesto actualizado por Gildardo.

Visto 1950 days ago

Estimate viewed by for the first time.

Visto 1950 days ago

Estimate viewed by Gildardo López (Gildardo) for the first time.

Visto 1950 days ago

Estimate viewed by for the first time.

Visto 1950 days ago

Estimate viewed by for the first time.

Visto 1950 days ago

Estimate viewed by Edgar Machuca (Edgar) for the first time.

Visto 1947 days ago

Estimate viewed by for the first time.

Visto 756 days ago

Estimate viewed by for the first time.

Visto 715 days ago

Estimate viewed by for the first time.

Visto 688 days ago

Estimate viewed by for the first time.

Visto 641 days ago

Estimate viewed by for the first time.

Visto 607 days ago

Estimate viewed by for the first time.

Visto 455 days ago

Estimate viewed by for the first time.

Visto 321 days ago

Estimate viewed by for the first time.

Visto 98 days ago

Estimate viewed by for the first time.